
Protecting and Championing UK Fishing Ports

Sign our pledge and back UK fishing ports and communities.

For the first time in 40 years the UK will soon be setting its own fisheries policy. This could be a once in a generation opportunity for UK fisheries. Above all it is critical that a transformational fund is put in place to support this transition towards prosperity and that Government policy is put to work to support coastal communities by ensuring that more seafood is landed in the UK.

Read our new report on restoring the link between our fisheries and coastal communities

We are campaigning to ensure that whatever happens with Brexit, UK communities realise more of the benefits from our fisheries- a collective national resource that we must jointly protect and that we must jointly benefit from.

Ports are the foundation of all marine activity, including leisure and cruise, cargo handling, offshore energy and of course commercial fishing. They are hubs of regional employment and generate and support prosperity in coastal communities.

Our firm view is that the fortunes of fishing ports rise and fall with that of the overall fishing sector – including processing and catching and their respective supply chains.